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Category: marriage

I’m Not Sure How We Got Here

When I was a young mom with several children, I remember earnestly going to an older mom who looked like she had her act together and asking how she did it. I recall getting a vague blank look in return with the unsatisfactory reply, ” I don’t know. You don’t know! How can you not know? I was being denied. Or at least I thought so at the time. This week, Gary and I will…


35 years of Graces

When I was young, I didn’t give much thought to marriage. I set my eyes on school and the Navy. While stationed in Rhode Island, I found a friend willing to risk deeper conversations with me. I recall one conversation with my friend, Tina, that served as a guiding, grace-filled word to my unfolding future. She asked me what I wanted in a husband. I thought about it and quickly answered. At the time, I…


How does change work?

Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land. Thus the little minutes, Humble though they be,  Make the mighty ages of eternity. Julia Fletcher The humble minutes have evaporated into the big 3-4 for Gary and my wedding anniversary this week! Our friend John told us that at the altar, there are two perspectives. The groom is hoping his bride stays just the way she is, and the bride is anticipating all…

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Monday Meaderings

Happy Monday! Not to worry I will be writing about do-over stories but my books have been piling up and so I provide my monthly meanderings that focus on prayer and joy. Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle 4 Habits of Joy-Filled Marriage How to Pray: a guide for ordinary people by Pete Grieg Lectio 365 Renovare Book Club


More Marriage Learning

I continue to celebrate models of marriage that daily walk out in their lives what it means to love and honor. Our first opportunity to influence comes from what others see us doing. So while not all have been nearby to me, I have seen and been influenced by their loving example. Here what they experienced as key to a long, loving, committed marriage. Barb and Mike – 46 years Barb – I married at…

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Marriage Literacy

If you have been around me long you will hear me say that literacy is built on two tracks: modeling and repetition. I think there is such a thing as marriage literacy. Learning and doing what is right and good over and over again. I am grateful to have witnessed some wonderful models of marriage. One of my goals this year has been to grow my love for Gary. I got this idea last year…

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